
Getting Started Help

Link Help: How to create a link.

Links are automatically created whenever content text matches any document title text.
Create a link within any page by typing a document title.
Create a link to an new empty document by selecting a word or phrase and pressing the add (+) button.

Browse Help: How to access your documents.

Select from most recent documents in library view.
Enter a few letters of a document title in the search field.
Create a link within any page by typing a document title.

Title Help: How to change a document title.

The document title is the first line of content.
To change the title, edit the first line of content.

Sync Help: Recents appears different on different devices.

This can occur when devices are offline. Verify that each device is online.
It can also occur when devices are connected, but with poor network connectivity. Verify your network availability. You generally want 3 or 4 bars of WiFi or Cellular signal. Check your connectivity and throughput. Your Internet browser should load web pages.
The following settings are standard defaults for every mobile app that uses iCloud, that allow you to custom limit your data usage.

Settings > WiFI
Wi-Fi should be enabled.
A network should be connected.

Settings > Cellular
Cellular Data should be enabled.
Hyperlinks should be enabled.

Settings > Apple ID > iCloud Apps Using iCloud.
Hyperlinks should be enabled.

Settings > Hyperlinks
Background App Refresh should be enabled.
Cellular Data should be enabled.